Abandonment or removal of Underground tanks and lines

Tank removal

5704.2.13 Abandonment and status of tanks.

Tanks taken out of service shall be removed in accordance with Section 5704.2.14, or safeguarded in accordance with Sections 5704.2.13.1 through 5704. and API 1604.

5704.2.14.1 Removal.

Removal of above-ground and
underground tanks shall be in accordance with all of the

1. Flammable and combustible liquids shall be
removed from the tank and connected piping.
2. Piping at tank openings that is not to be used further
shall be disconnected.
3. Piping shall be removed from the ground.

Piping is allowed to be abandoned
in place where the fire code official determines
that removal is not practical. Abandoned
piping shall be capped and safeguarded
as required by the fire code official.

4. Tank openings shall be capped or plugged, leaving
a 1/8-inch to 1/4-inch-diameter (3.2 mm to 6.4
mm) opening for pressure equalization.
5. Tanks shall be purged of vapor and inerted prior
to removal.
6. All exterior above-grade fill and vent piping shall
be permanently removed.