Virtual Volunteer Program

Guidelines and Rules:

  • Teen Volunteers must be between the ages of 12 and 17.
  • You may turn in as many activity logs as you like, but you will only be given volunteer credit once in each category. All content must be appropriate and respectful. Crowley Public Library reserves the right to refuse submissions and deny volunteer credit if submitted material is deemed offensive or inappropriate. 
  • A library staff member will check your submitted activities and you will receive a copy of your recorded responses in your email. These will include how many credit hours you have earned. Please keep track of these for your records. It is your responsibility to keep track of your hours.
  • The library is happy to email teachers, counselors, directors, etc. to confirm volunteer credit hours. If a form needs to be filled out and submitted, you may bring it to the library or send a digital copy to the Teen Coordinator. If you are bringing the form in person, please call ahead to ensure the Teen Coordinator is present.
  • Please email gjordan [at] (subject: Virtual%20Volunteer%20Program) (Ms. Glenda, Teen Coordinator) with any other questions you may have. We are open to activity suggestions not mentioned in the list below.

Have fun and be creative! Be clear and concise with written material, aim for quality video, and use PG language. Please note that hours earned are subject to change at the discretion of the Crowley Public Library Director and Teen Coordinator. Projects that go above and beyond the minimum requirements may be eligible to earn additional credit hours.


Five (5) Sentence book review with at least two (2) readalikes: Write a short book review of a book you have read and include the titles and author names of at least two similar books teens might enjoy.

Take a "Bookface" photo or create a book cover: Bookface photos involve strategically lining up your face or body to match the cover art of a book (examples). You can also submit an image where you have created an alternative book cover for your favorite book. Be sure to list the book title and author. Please submit as a .jpg image.

Book spine poetry: Line up the spines of your books and create two (2) poems (examples). Please submit as a .jpg image.

Take a "Shelfie": Show off your bookcase. Send a photo of you in front of you book shelf at home. Tell your two (2) favorite books on that shelf and why you like them. Please submit as a .jpg image.


Themed virtual display: Create a virtual display for us. Put together a list of books on a certain theme. What do they all have in common? Are they all fantasy books with strong female characters? Are they all dystopian novels that include love triangles? Your virtual display should have at least eight (8) books.

Original Artwork or Original Fanart: Are you an artist? Submit your original artwork or original fanart. We will showcase our teen art on the Crowley Public Library Facebook page. All artistic mediums are accepted. Please submit a photo of your artwork as a .jpg image.

Original Writing, Poetry, or Fanfiction: Are you a writer or poet? Submit an example of your writing to us. We will showcase our teen writers on the Crowley Public Library Facebook page. 

Kahoot! Trivia Quiz: Create a free Kahoot! account Here: Make a 10-15 question trivia about your favorite book or series. Submit the link to your quiz activity log.

Book or Library related Tiktok: Create a TikTok about your favorite book, series, character, etc. or make one about visiting the library. It can even just be you talking about the books you've read lately. Check out the hashtag #booksuggestions on TikTok for more ideas. Submit the link to your TikTok in the activity log.


Writing to a Senior Citizen: Crowley has many senior citizens who may have little family contact and few activities. Write them a letter. You may begin with "Dear Friend" and then introduce yourself. Tell how your summer went or what you look forward to during the upcoming school year. Talk about your siblings, pets or friends. Many senior citizens are not able to be out very often, so experiences that you have daily or weekly can be interesting to them. They may even ask to write you back. All letters should be submitted to the activity log.

Create a trailer: Pick a library book, audio book or movie and create a trailer that would make someone check it out... just like a real movie trailer. It should be no longer than 1 to 2 minutes in length.

Use and discuss our resources: Pick an online library resource, app, database, etc. and create a "how to" or "tips and tricks" guide for it. It can be written out or a video.

gkjordan [at] (subject: Craft%20take-and-make%20bags) (Craft take-and-make bags:) Submit your ideas FIRST by email to the Teen Coordinator. When approved, make up a collection of 10 ready made craft bags with instructions and supplies based on your creative idea. Be sure to submit what supplies you would need in the same email with your craft idea. The library will help with supplies if we have things you need in stock. We also have the paper lunch sacks that you can use for the take-and-make bags.