Lifeguard Your Child

Lifeguard Your Child

In an effort to reduce the risk of accidental drownings in our community, the Crowley Fire Department is partnering with Cooks Children's with their campaign "Lifeguard Your Child".

We encourage you to create a safety plan for ANY time your children are around water, whether it's swim time, unplanned time around the pool or open water, or even bath time.

Water safety is important at any age. When it comes to drowning, seconds count. It’s silent and can happen in an instant. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children ages 1 to 4, and the second leading cause for kids 1-14 in Texas. But with your help, we can change that.

Water Watcher Tag

Water Watcher tags. Wearing this Water Watcher necklace tag means that you are the (or one of the) designated adults who is watching the water and children with zero distractions. No side conversations, no using the restroom, no scrolling on social media. This responsibility can be passed around every 15 minutes, but the adult wearing this tag should have eyes on the children, to avoid a drowning. 

Magnetic Safety Tips

This magnetic safety tips sheet can be placed anywhere you think might be beneficial to have a little reminder of the drowning risks of children and some tips to prevent it. 

Lifeguard Your Child

If you have a community pool that you think would benefit from having a free 'Lifeguard Your Child' sign posted, please reach out to the Crowley Fire Department below for more information. 

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