Do my animals have to be registered with the City of Crowley?

Your pet is not required to be registered with the City of Crowley.

How many animals are allowed in my household?

Per Sec. 10-81 of the Crowley Code of Ordinances; no more than three dogs and cats shall be housed, kept, harbored or permitted on or in any private dwelling or premises.

Whom do I need to contact if I find an injured animal?

Please contact Animal Control during business hours at 817-297-2201 ext. 3300. For after hours, contact police dispatch 817-297-2276 and it will dispatch the animal control officer to the injured animal’s location. For non-emergency calls for service or reclaims after hours or on weekends, please email ACO [at] ci.crowley.tx.us.

Whom do I need to contact if there is an animal running loose?

Please contact the Animal Control at 817-297-2201 ext. 3300 during regular business hours. Please note that animal control does not pick up loose animals after 5:30 p.m. or on the weekends. For after hours emergencies, contact police dispatch at 817-297-2276. For non-emergency calls for service or reclaims after hours or on weekends, please email ACO [at] ci.crowley.tx.us.

Whom should I contact if my animal is missing?

Please contact the Crowley Animal Shelter at 817-297-2201 ext. 3300 during regular business hours. If we are not available, please leave your name, address, a description of the animal, and when the last time the animal was seen by you on your premises.  For non-emergency calls for service or reclaims after hours or on weekends, please email ACO [at] ci.crowley.tx.us.

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