Imagine a Day Without Water

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No Water No Shower

No Water No Shower

Our water keeps us squeaky clean. Without our precious water supply and water systems, we
couldn’t maintain our health and wellness.

Imagine a Day without Water

Imagine a Day Without Water serves as a National Day of Action to unite communities and policymakers to advance greater and more equitable investment in water systems.

When a person doesn’t have water, they cannot stay hydrated, prepare meals, bathe their children, wash their hands, flush the toilet, or do laundry. Further, communities can’t put out the wildfires that increase each year as a result of the warming climate, farmers cannot water their crops, and our nation’s public health and safety are compromised.

In 2019, the US Water Alliance and DigDeep identified that there are two million individuals in our country who lack access to clean and safe drinking water and sanitation services. In addition, millions more are on the verge of losing water access.

Water is the lifeline of our communities. More attention to and investment in water will result in healthier communities in every sense. It’s up to all of us to keep the conversation going—not just on this National Day of Action, but throughout the year and for generations to come.